Friday, September 14, 2012

Odyn Vovk

Kills me that I have to miss this...

Odyn Vovk warehouse sale

Chaos to Couture

The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute have announced that their next major spring exhibition will be themed 'Punk: Chaos to Couture'.  It's coming in May 2013, I know, such a long wait but its marked in my calendar already.  
It's going to have six thematic galleries; "Rebel Heroes", "The Couturiers Situationists", "Pavilions of Anarchy and Elegance," "Punk Couture", "DIY Style" and "La Mode Destroy."  I am super excited!

Monday, September 3, 2012


Mads Dinesen's Moondogs Autumn/Winter 2012... how can you not like a collection inspired by Alejandro Jodorowsky’s movie ‘Holy Mountain’?